UBS BSM Software
The essential property management tool, saves time, cost, labour and promote accuracy in a paperless office environment.

What’s in UBS BSM System

Owner & Property Maintenance

Generate Reminder Letter

Facility Booking & Service

One-Click Generate Monthly Invoicing

Payment Collection

Transaction Monitoring

One-Click Late Interest Charges

Sync with UBS Accounting

Bad Debt Maintenance

Renovation, Rental, Card Deposit

Tenant Maintenance

Water, Gas Meter Billing
Trouble-free managing Maintenance fee and Payment
For JMB, JMC, MC Billing & Payment
Proven by > 3,000 users
Recuring bill in a click

What’s in UBS BSM Software?
Fully integrated with UBS Accounting Software
- Owner
- Property
- Tenant
- Vendor
- Maintenance Fee
- Sinking Fund
- Water
- Rental
- Official Receipt
- Late Charges
- Post to Accounting
Reports :-
- Invoice list
- Payment list
- Deposit payment list
- Late charges list
- Project Status
- Property Listing
- Property Transfer Listing
- Property Owners Listing
- Outstanding invoice and interest
- Owner aging
- Bad debt listing
- Financial / Insurance / Solicitors details